Sunday, July 4, 2010


This week I helped my brother, Shane, and his family move from Round Hill to Ashburn, both in Virginia. It was no small move as he has a large home with four children. We did a lot of lifting and moving. It was very hard work! At the end of the days I thought my arms were going to fall off! After many trips between the two homes (about 30+ minutes apart) we got all the stuff moved.

I drove home Friday night so that I could get some work done on Saturday. The drive from northern Virginia to Durham never seems to get shorter. Saturday morning I worked in my backyard weeding the garden, trimming the tomatoes, and mowing the lawn. The garden is looking good, particularly the tomatoes and squash. The corn, unfortunately, is looking half-good, quit literally. One half of my three rows look great while the other half is not growing so good. I hope they’ll perk up soon!

I took some pictures of the garden. Enjoy!

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