I attempted to upload a picture but couldn't...sorry :(
I have finally started my second rotation. I was supposed to start it about two weeks ago but I had to wait for my post-doc mentor to finish up his dissertation. I didn’t mind the time off as I had most my time occupied with plenty of class related activities. The rest of my time was filled with writing three essays for an NSF (National Science Foundation) fellowship application. This NSF fellowship is kind of a big deal; in all I’d be getting a tad over $120,000 over three years (not all at once and not directly to me). In my second rotation I am trying to redesign a protein so that it will bind a new molecule. So currently I am spending a lot of time looking at this protein to possibly add a modification that will allow the protein to bind the new molecule. Ok, enough science.
I went to my first Duke Basketball game. Even though it was an exhibition game, the arena was full. It will be fun for the season to begin! Duke Football is currently on a three game winning streak and have an ocerall record of 5-3. The new coach is doing AWESOME in his second year! Keep your eye on Bluedevil football; they may surprise you.
I have found that I am horrible with names, which I kind of already knew. It is extra pronounced in my church. Unlike Utah, here I only see the people in my ward for a few hours on Sunday. It has been quite embarrassing to forget someone’s name when you know you’ve asked them twice already. I am learning name slowly. The ward here is awesome! An interesting fact: most of the grad students in the ward went to undergrad either at BYU or USU. I have yet to meet an Utah alum. ‘
There you have it; my life, in order from Monday to Sunday; school, sports, and church.